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TradingBlock's Auto-Trade is an automated trade execution service for subscribers of participating newsletter publishers. When you activate Auto-Trade within your account, you authorize TradingBlock to execute trade recommendations from your financial newsletter automatically on your behalf in a completely unbiased fashion.

With Auto-Trade, you can specify whether that trades from newsletter recommendations be executed based on a percentage of your account's buying power or by an actual dollar amount.

TradingBlock is not affiliated with and does not endorse or warrant the content, services or products of any financial newsletter or publisher. Use of a financial newsletter and its services and products is at your own risk, and without guarantee or warranty of any kind from TradingBlock.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Auto-Trade

Q: What is Auto-Trade?
A: As an account holder using our Auto-Trade Execution Service, you are authorizing TradingBlock to execute the trade recommendations from your select financial newsletter automatically on your behalf, in completely unbiased fashion. TradingBlock and the financial newsletter services are unaffiliated, separate companies.
Q: How does Auto-Trade work?
A: TradingBlock receives a trade alert from a financial newsletter specifying what specific stock, future or option to buy or sell. Our trade desk then enters the recommended trade as a group trade for all TradingBlock clients subscribed to the financial newsletter.
Q: What financial newsletter is the best?
A: While TradingBlock works with several prominent financial newsletters, we do not recommend any publisher. We do not have access to financial newsletter track records or historical performance data. Our only suggestion is to inquire with three or more newsletters to ensure that your financial goals are in line with the newsletter you choose. Any reputable newsletter should be able to provide any historical information that you request by contacting the publisher directly.
Q: Once my Auto-Trade is set up, how can I make changes?
A: If at any point you would like to make changes to your Auto-Trade settings, such as changing newsletters or the dollar allocation per trade, please contact TradingBlock's Trade Desk. IMPORTANT: Auto-Trade changes can only be accepted in writing via email, fax, overnight courier or US Mail. A phone call is not sufficient to make any change in Auto-Trade settings.
Auto-Trade Disclaimers:
TradingBlock is not affiliated with any financial newsletter publisher. Please click on the link below to read the SEC's risk disclosure on auto-trading:

SEC Risk Disclosure on Auto-Trading

TradingBlock offers Auto-Trade Execution Services on an unbiased, best-effort, not-held basis. However, you are subject to risk from market volatility, market liquidity, system availability, and delays in receipt of newsletter notifications, each and all of which may delay trade execution. TradingBlock does not recommend, rank, rate, endorse or advocate any financial newsletter.

TradingBlock is not affiliated with any financial newsletter, and does not endorse or warrant the content, services or products offered by any financial newsletter. Use of a financial newsletter and its services and products is at your own risk, and without guarantee or warranty of any kind from TradingBlock.

Vlad Karpel, Tradespoon founder, is also an employee of TradingBlock. Tradespoon and TradingBlock are not affiliated companies and the content contained in Tradespoon is not endorsed by TradingBlock.

TradingBlock has advertising and marketing arrangements with parties that are not registered or regulated as broker-dealers, and as part of these arrangements TradingBlock may pay fees or provide other forms of compensation in exchange for marketing.